Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 3/27/18; AE 7/26/22



When the diverse individual parts of our institution associate their unique strengths with those of their peers through a consistent, coordinated use of the college's identity, together we increase our reputation for excellence and protect the integrity of our 学术和公众参与任务.



The purpose of the Identity standards is to identify acceptable college word marks, logos and seal and clarify appropriate and accurate usage of the trademark images on college letterhead, business cards, internal publications, apparel and promotional 项目. The goal of the standards is to ensure coordinated, consistent use of the trademark images so as to portray a uniform and distinct visual brand for East 乔治亚州 State 学院(EGSC). 本指南旨在维护和加强 十大正规网赌平台's visual identity program, further promote the college's 良好的信誉,以及创造性的正面公众认知和支持.


The 十大正规网赌平台 trademarks are the property of the Board of Regents of the 佐治亚大学系统 and four (4) logos are registered in the United 美国专利商标局. 校董会的指导方针规定了如何 the trademarks can be used and 十大正规网赌平台 is responsible for monitoring 控制这些标记的使用. 十大正规网赌平台机构办公室 Advancement monitors and approves the logos for on and off-campus individuals, departments and organizations promoting the college in print publications and electronic media, 包括万维网.


All individuals, departments and organizations desiring to use the EGSC name, logo 和/
or trademark, must obtain prior approval from the Office of 机构发展. Additionally, the Director of Institutional 发展及社区关系 must sign all departmental and purchasing card requests involving any of EGSC’s logos, including all printed materials, publications and promotional 项目 to acknowledge 批准使用.



    1. 学院名称文字标志(已注册): The approved college name word mark is the two lined EAST GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE images 如下所示. 为了加强学院的身份,简称“EGSC”应该 not be used in publications, ads, websites or other media unless the words "East 乔治亚州 “州立大学”似乎近在咫尺.

    2. EGSC标志(已注册): 单独使用或与学院名称结合使用.

    3. EGSC印章(商标): 专供官方文件(文凭、公告等)使用.,)及刊物 比如总统的信笺、文具和请柬. 允许使用 任何其他申请的印章必须由校长办公室批准.

    4. EGSC运动标志: The 十大正规网赌平台 athletic logos are represented by several different marks which are reserved for use by and in support of Bobcat teams and events, including 主要标记,次要标记和单词标记. 运动标志应该 not be used in place of the official college logo to promote college academic programs.
        1. 只有山猫头-主要标志. (注册)

        2. 山猫与旗帜-主要标志. (注册)

        3. 山猫爪印(仅与主要运动标记一起使用)
    5. 二级图片: 这些是与学院标志结合使用的图像. 仅限学术院校 or college units and programs which have a significant public service mission or public 能见度可能会寻求批准,以发展个人的第二形象,这必须 也可以与学院的标志结合使用. 所有授权请求 to develop and use a secondary image must be submitted electronically using the online 公关服务申请, along with a copy of the proposed secondary image, to the Director of Institutional 发展及社区关系. 该请求将被审查并作出决定 5个工作日内. 辅助图像不能取代大学标志作为主要图像 means of individual identification and must be used in tandem with the college logo 在所有单位出版物、广告和其他印刷和电子通讯上. 所有 four of the secondary marks for the bachelor's degrees (below) will be deleted upon 在各自的项目之外进行教学.
生物学标志 护理的标志



    1. The logos and marks must only be used exactly as provided in the camera ready or digital 没有位置变化的艺术. 不得将标志拆下重新组装; 补充其他元素,且标识不得改变. 文字不能 出现在官方标志的后面、上面或中间.
    2. Use only camera ready or digital art provided by the Director of 机构发展 及社区关系. 不要复制出版物中的图像.
    3. EGSC’s logos may not be used to promote or imply endorsement of non-college activities. 
    4. EGSC’s athletic marks are reserved for the use of the athletics department and its 实体. 这些标志可以被其他部门、组织或者个人使用 only to demonstrate support for 十大正规网赌平台’s athletic programs and 学生活动. 
    5. 注册商标®包含在学院注册商标中.
    6. 任何使用都必须符合或支持学院的使命.


文具、信封及名片: These identify faculty, staff, units and programs as official representatives of East 佐治亚州立大学. 所有文具,名片,信封,便签本,路线 slips, fax cover sheets, large envelopes, brochures, invitations, mailing and address labels and signage are standardized to ensure that 十大正规网赌平台's official 图像总是以一致的方式呈现. 没有“自制”文具或业务 卡片可以通过影印的方式制作或分发. 在长度或 title of a department or other factors create spacing problems, contact the Director of Institutional 发展及社区关系 for assistance in making adjustments 官方布局. 辅助图像可以被合并到官方信笺中 在机构发展办公室的协助下进行设计. 所有的标志 必须通过设施订购吗.

学生及学生团体 may not use official college stationery or business cards; Alternate designs are available for those with an approved need for 项目 bearing college or athletic marks. Authorization must be obtained from the Director of 机构发展 and 每个用途的社区关系.


College units and official student organizations may create and purchase 项目 bearing 内部使用的商标. 设计批准必须由环保署署长批准 Institutional 发展及社区关系 prior to production 和/or purchase. 在大多数情况下,该组织不需要获得许可协议. 然而, if the college marked 项目 are for resale to a general audience, a 许可协议 而且还需要支付版税. 只供团体成员使用的物品; 项目 purchased or produced to be given away (as long as they are purchased from a licensed supplier) and 项目 produced as part of a class project do not require a 许可协议.


所有印刷大学和运动标志的标准也适用于它们的使用 在万维网上.


The name, logo, or trademark of any 佐治亚大学系统 (USG) institution may only be used for products, projects, events, and services officially sponsored 由美国地质调查局或美国地质调查局机构提供. 任何USG机构的名称、标志或商标 shall not be used by an independent business enterprise that is not under the complete 不包括经批准的合作组织  与该机构或美国政府的官方关系.

The 佐治亚大学系统 Board of Regents Policy prohibits the use of any 十大正规网赌平台 name, trademark, or logo in connection with alcoholic beverages; religious services, goods or artifacts; sexually-oriented devices or goods; toilet seats and the like; burial 项目; and unfavorable references to race, sex, national 任何人的出身或残疾. 任何使用必须与…一致或支持 学院的使命.



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